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Topics [Suggestion Box]
- by Anusha.M
- in Suggestion Box
- 15 years ago.
- Last replied by Meean
- 5 replies
I have noticed, very foul language being used by the members in some polls and Articles. If this continues, the reputation of Boddunan will rapidly fall as people who view such...
- by Mohammed Fouzan
- in Suggestion Box
- 15 years ago.
- Last replied by Mohammed Fouzan
- 7 replies
Hello moderator
There are many mobile companies released like LAVA please include them also in review section.
- by Meean
- in Suggestion Box
- 14 years ago.
- Last replied by Ramachandran R
- 10 replies
Hello Moderators,
Now boddunan has many contests and rewards and revenue sharing system gives the members a share based on the revenue.For that the member has to earn minimum...
- by Harish Jharia
- in Suggestion Box
- 15 years ago.
- Last replied by Harish Jharia
- 4 replies
Hello administrator / editors / moderators,
'Login' Box has been shifted from the top right corner to the bottom left margin... it's looking excellent.
I suggest to provide...
- by Meean
- in Suggestion Box
- 15 years ago.
- Last replied by Maverick
- 6 replies
Hello Maverick,
I found the below links which explains almost all the activities of...
- by Mohammed Fouzan
- in Suggestion Box
- 15 years ago.
- Last replied by Jayen
- 10 replies
Hello Members and moderator. This is a small suggestion from me that boddunan should put alexa ranking tool bar on the front page so members can see the daily ranking of the...
- by Mohammed Fouzan
- in Suggestion Box
- 15 years ago.
- Last replied by Sunny Singh
- 14 replies
Hello Friends and moderator
I am suggesting a game for boddunan it is a word game. The procedure is Some letters like A,K,L,O,T,F,C,V, (OR ANY OTHER)were to be given and...
- by Abid Areacode
- in Suggestion Box
- 14 years ago.
- Last replied by Bharat
- 10 replies
I had seen many old threads are used by spammers in recent days.So it will be good to lock all old threads to fight against spamming.
- by Harish Jharia
- in Suggestion Box
- 15 years ago.
- Last replied by Abid Areacode
- 38 replies
Hello Boddunan Support team,
There are people who post many articles everyday.
Practically it is not possible to write more than one article every day if it is original and...
- by Meean
- in Suggestion Box
- 15 years ago.
- Last replied by bhanu
- 8 replies
Hello Moderator,
Recently mobile reviews column has been started in boddunan. Similarly why can't we start a software reviews column in boddunan? There are many freeware...
- by Santosh Kumar Singh
- in Suggestion Box
- 13 years ago.
- Last replied by RAM PROSAD ACHARYYA
- 13 replies
Is boddunan name right for this site or it should be other name related to education?
- by vivekm
- in Suggestion Box
- 15 years ago.
- Last replied by Anu_love is life
- 10 replies
can we add a section in boddunan in which shows daily important news in homepage of bodduan and may be the news can update daily basis on in hour basis or instantaneously based...
- by Sanjeev Gupta
- in Suggestion Box
- 13 years ago.
- Last replied by baby angel
- 60 replies
As i have seen on other sites there is a provision for the starter to opt for the best response among the responses on a particular thread.
So my suggestion is that there...
- by Manisha
- in Suggestion Box
- 15 years ago.
- Last replied by Jobin
- 1 reply
I really loved the new look of Boddunan .. The different shades of brown look soo peaceful... But honestly, i felt the red bold font... mars the beauty of it all. A color close...
- by Amit Warkari
- in Suggestion Box
- 15 years ago.
- Last replied by Maverick
- 12 replies
I would like to request you.... or suggest you...... or lets say ask you..
That why don't you start a contest something like highest referral of the month..
It will...
- by Raaghavan Krishnamurthy
- in Suggestion Box
- 15 years ago.
- Last replied by Raaghavan Krishnamurthy
- 8 replies
Hi Friends, I just want to give a small suggestion.I am not sure about the outcome of this suggestion, but sill we can discuss about this and leave the rest to the...
- by
- in Suggestion Box
- 15 years ago.
- Last replied by
- 7 replies
Hai boddunan family.......
Here i am sharing a great traffic and backlink building method For boddunan.Google news will give you millions of daily visitor, Page rank 9 back...
- by Meean
- in Suggestion Box
- 15 years ago.
- Last replied by Rajani K
- 7 replies
As Reviews are mainly targetted for attracting visitors, the latest articles in the reviews section can be displayed in the home page or through a seperate scrolling text to...
- by shubham
- in Suggestion Box
- 15 years ago.
- Last replied by shubham
- 2 replies
Well i think we should include notebook reviews in review section.
- by Sridevi
- in Suggestion Box
- 15 years ago.
- Last replied by Maverick
- 16 replies
Hi All,
I think it will be nice to have a seperate section/category on Forum named "Humour/Comedy" in which members can post jokes, funny quotation/incidents, witty...