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count 113

IC 2


Dear Bhanu ..
You have to write two words...
like Yummy , Tummy

So for me its ' Y'

Count : 114
IC : 12

Young Tongue

Both have same pronunciation..

Next : 'E'

Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
Count 115
IC 22

Engels, Angles

Next letter is "S"

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Salacious, delicious
Count =112 IC=31

Next also is S
Count 113 IC 23

Shame Fame

Next letter is "E"

Thanks 'n' Regards,

Next letter is C

I am posting my first word for this post or question or game
drama sama .

Santosh Kumar Singh


Count : 116
IC : 14
Dear Santosh .. Starting word is 'C' not 'D'

Clea Plea

Avenue Revenue

Next should start with 'E'

Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
nice kumaresh
Hey Santosh,

Its nice you joined in but what is 'sama'? just wanted to know...
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