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Mr. Gulshan you should write your count and Ic. your count is 102

Count : 103
IC : 10

Ruffle , shuffle

Next : E

Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
Count 104
IC =13

Entry,country !!!

Next man can start with "Y" again.I think I had supplied most "Y"s

Visit my blogs:
Count : 105
IC : 11

I think I have replied for most of the 'Y'
:) :) :)


Next : 'E'

Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
Count 106
IC 14

Yes Kumaresh...Can you say the meaning ogf yule?


Next man "H"

This is my 1700th post in forum.

Visit my blogs:
Dear Abid,

Yule means Christmas, or the Christmas season.

Please access following link for more details:

Count: 107
IC: 11

Habitual, Ritual

Next should start with 'L'

Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
Look & Book

Count is 108

I dont Know my IC Wat is it actually
Hi Mohan,

Your IC(individual count is 1) as this is your first post in this thread)

Count=109, IC=29
The words are : Kick Sick
Next letter is again K
Kiss -This

Count =110

IC = 2
How about resuming this game, with longer words?

The words with S are:
Count =111 (IC=30)
Sister, Blister..

next letter is R
Count 112

IC 21

Ray Bay

Next letter is "Y"

Thanks 'n' Regards,
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