Today when I was reading a forum I saw one member (better to hide the name)being listed as "Fresh Boarder".His posts are seen 3.But points 4128!!After introducing the new point system I think the points of all members have fell down into a bore well.Then how this occur.Am not questioning the points,but categorisation as fresh boarder and posts only 3 does not match with points.So which is incorrect?

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Few points:
1. An author who does not visited forums before but only posts articles can earn any points without having single post on forums.
2. When a member actually visit the forum, his account with the forum will be created. So he will be treated as fresh boarder as his number of posts are less than the junior border category.

Please let me know the name of the member or just PM me the name so that I can look into his profile for any mismatches.

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick


but the points which we earned with so much hard work where are the deducted points gone i had reached 600 points now you put me full down to 150 its not fair people who do your site from cyber or from any place of work who are not rich enough then to they rely on their site.
Its a shocking thing again we have to reach the highest point so atleast through some point of view please think you did your work but the people who are earning points through your site who reached very difficulty to 300 its injustice to them
There is nothing to worry rebecca...

because you are not the one who's point is reduced.. Everyone's points was reduced ..

Earlier we get huge points for activities on boddunan and people got too much point..
Now boddunan had reduced the point proportionally..

So,the value of point is not reduced .. its just properly managed...

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We have not deducted any points. We have adjusted as per the table given in the Boddunan Revenue Sharing Program post. Please see that topic.

All your points adjusted according to the new points system. If, say for example, your 10 points needed earlier for a program, now you need less than 10 as per the new system.

Take for example, we have included the 300 points requirement for boddunan revenue sharing under new points system. If it would be the old points system, we would have put 3000 points as a requirement. So there is no loss in the value of the points. The only reduction is in the quantity but not the cost.

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick


i am a very frank person i can understand when my points were only 600 got deducted to 150 den i can understand your grievances too.But definetly they need to answer our queries what's the use then every time they will put a new system and our hard earned points will get lost . People are trying to earn money and if they want to put a new system they have to first inform everyone and then do the changes

Ok i have understood but i am very bad in writing articles i dont know how to earn points i am sad. i am sorry if i told you badly but i dont like to be fake so whatever doubts i had i need to tell you

sorry again
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Junior Boarder
Posts: 56
Points: 4067

This is one such(not the mentioned case in discussion).Here posts means posts in forum discussions only or clubbed with article submission?Also what about points,mixed or earned from forums only?

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The posts you are seeing on forums are for posts of forums only.

But the points are the combined total of all activities including your articles.

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

Why there is such a descrimination between article posts and forum posts if the points are counted totally?

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