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i think you have knowledge about blogging. Want i wanted to ask is that if we don't host our blog,then is it still possible to earn?

Yes sure, you should do it right now, you can change template whenever you like keep your blog posted and for the beginning apply for chitika, which gets approved in 2-3 working days, run adverts of your choice and later after a few months (5-6) while you have enough content apply for adsense also, these two can go together. You can ask specific questions, I am ready to answer them here.

what is chitika? Heard this word for the first time.

Want to make each day Accountable

i have done P.M to sarala. Lets see,what she tells.

Actually, nowadays I am learning from her. I want to start a recipe blog very soon

i am going to start 2 blogs. One,in which will be of computer technology,tips & tricks, computer software and etc. And another blog would contain travelling destination,food and culture of those destination.

Recipes too??
Are you coming to Kerala to prepare data? :P :P

Meera sandhu
i have done P.M to sarala. Lets see,what she tells.

Actually, nowadays I am learning from her. I want to start a recipe blog very soon

i am going to start 2 blogs. One,in which will be of computer technology,tips & tricks, computer software and etc. And another blog would contain travelling destination,food and culture of those destination.

Recipes too??
Are you coming to Kerala to prepare data? :P :P

i told you to give me details about kerala,but you didn't gave me,so i have cancel that trip. If you want me to visit,give details.

Want to make each day Accountable

Chitika is an advert company which is allowed along with adsense. You can aply for the same right now, after you have few articles posted. avoid recipe and travel on adsense but chitika would be okay. never write in first person, they are not done with adsense.

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Chitika is an advert company which is allowed along with adsense. You can aply for the same right now, after you have few articles posted. avoid recipe and travel on adsense but chitika would be okay. never write in first person, they are not done with adsense.

once,we get approval from chitika to our blog,can we use that same blog for google adsense approval ?

Want to make each day Accountable

Yes sure, you only have to apply for adsense with your email ID, since you get blogger account as part of the google pack, they keep a watch once you apply through monetize section of your blog (there is no other way) they will do the needful with in a stipulated time frame. They even give you an untraceable ID and run public interest adverts which do not earn for you, once you are qualified they inform yo accordingly or otherwise, whatever the case.

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work

i have done P.M to sarala. Lets see,what she tells.

Actually, nowadays I am learning from her. I want to start a recipe blog very soon

i am going to start 2 blogs. One,in which will be of computer technology,tips & tricks, computer software and etc. And another blog would contain travelling destination,food and culture of those destination.

Recipes too??
Are you coming to Kerala to prepare data? :P :P

i told you to give me details about kerala,but you didn't gave me,so i have cancel that trip. If you want me to visit,give details.

I forget it.
Actually, I was on 2 weeks leave. Returned back this week only.
Let me check mailbox once again

Meera sandhu
Ronark have you created or not? if yes then share in details.
Any one can do it easily but the main thing is how one maintains and take full advantage of his blog.

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work

Some people say that with in 3 months adsense account will be approve, but it is not at correct. As Now google people has made strict so wait for 6 months and do blogging for 6 months. then you will get correct approval

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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