13 years ago
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13 years ago
Sita they have kept you the reason why they rejected please check it and resubmit.
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13 years ago
Yes Sasi is right.. In the right side you will also get the reason of rejection.. Check them.
ANDROIOS: http://androios-tweaks.blogspot.com
13 years ago
Thank you for your response. I try to edit my rejected articles.
13 years ago
My two articles were rejected. Is there any chance to review these articles after I would have rectified these articles?
Do it as per the advice of the editor. When any article is rejected they generally provide you the reason of the same.
13 years ago
Sita Kalyani if only rejected then no chance but if rejected for any spelling mistake or grammatical mistake or formatting problem then you can resubmit after rectification.
13 years ago
If article rejected due to copy content there is no other chance to rectify your article.so, if some other reason mentioned on your remarks you can resubmit your article and get approved. :cheer:
13 years ago
Yes... Copied content is not allowed here. If this is the issue then you can't just solved it by editing..
ANDROIOS: http://androios-tweaks.blogspot.com
13 years ago
If article rejected due to copy content there is no other chance to rectify your article.so, if some other reason mentioned on your remarks you can resubmit your article and get approved. :cheer:
That's right one cannot do anything with the copied articles. :woohoo:
13 years ago
But is it possible if someone rewrite the same article with his/her own wordings.. I guess by this way they can be approved.
ANDROIOS: http://androios-tweaks.blogspot.com
13 years ago
But is it possible if someone rewrite the same article with his/her own wordings.. I guess by this way they can be approved.
If he/she doing like this then, they can simply write a new article instead of rewriting. :laugh:
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