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Ya here we get instant reply of any question and that really a good place to share our view......
Yes now a days many members are participating in forums so it increased.

Earn money just for joining in this site.

Elaborated responses has to be encouraged to have better quality contents. I also beleive they should fix some number of words to get 5 points as there is no way that someone gets 5 points for good quality and someone gets the same number of points for even an irrelevant responses.There should be a check on it. :)
Sanjeev due to the 5 points only many members are here other wise less members participate here.

You can see it is second day how many members are in leader board. You can see rock star she is asha singh but working chandan who is blocked.

Earn money just for joining in this site.

Hey i am not agree with you understand what you want to say..........from very first day i got instruction from sarala to do forum once again not read article in hurry understand.
You mea you are no more reading articles, that is very strange. I always read a few articles every day to know what my friends are writing. That gives me a better idea to improve my own articles.

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No previously i do when i am new to boddunan i am not aware of th fact.......
Heres a suggestion..the minimum no. of characters required to get 5 points in a post can be increased in order to get better and more detailed answers...what say guys?

Many discussion forums have this criteria to get points or earnings.You need to post a certain number of sentences or words relevant to the discussion topic.

Ever one thinks the same way who comes from other forums but as I always say, one gets used to what members are doing on a particular site. Just imagine doing it on other forums and ......

Personally I feel that in a discussion there should not be generalised responses of a few words or short sentences , they should contribute and take the discussion forward instead of limiting it and members can be paid according to their contribution.

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Ya you are right but it all depend on admin and we are unable to do anything.
Elaborated responses has to be encouraged to have better quality contents. I also beleive they should fix some number of words to get 5 points as there is no way that someone gets 5 points for good quality and someone gets the same number of points for even an irrelevant responses.There should be a check on it. :)

I too feel that it should be so ! If each one gets the same number of points irrespective of the quality and quantity of the post it can be demotivating and also increase spam posts which do not aid a discussion...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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