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That's right Gulshan! I completely agree with your sentiments!
What next now??? After sticking an expiry label on love, the likes of Salman will be sticking expiry labels on all genuine relationships!! Except that he does not seem to have any genuine love or affection for anyone except himself! :angry:

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Let him purify his mind first then he would be able to appreciate what love is! A man who derives pleasure in shooting innocent and one of the most beautiful creatures- black buck- would put an expiry date on anything! These heavenly things are beyond him!!!
I don't think there is an expiry date in the case of love.It is for lifetime.The real expiry date is the expiry date of it also.

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True love does not have an expiry date. Now, it is time for salman to judge whether his love is true or not.
It is time for him to think twice while giving any statement too...Love is a game for him then obviously he will expect a expiry date..

I can only say that as he is using his mouth more than his mind without thinking he is getting the bad image... :angry:
gulshan kumar ajmani wrote:
[quote]Love is a relation spontaneously made irrespective of age, caste, creed. Love recognizes no expiry date. If I fall in love with some one, this is between me and the beloved. No one else can tell me or my beloved that our love is date expired.[/quote]

well said gulshan ,i completely agree..........
He must learn to weigh his thought before giving vent to them!
Well said,Rajani.Love is a game to Salman Khan. :( :( :(
He was involved in several imbecile acts in his career and his statement need not be taken with any seriousness!
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