KOLKATA: Kolkata's state-run SSKM hospital, one of the elite healthcare centres in West Bengal, is all set to have a breast milk bank - the first of its kind in eastern India and only the second in the country.

The breast milk bank will not only be used to feed babies whose mothers fall ill during the six-month lactating period after delivery but also come as a big relief to mothers who do not lactate.

It will also be a boon to the premature newborns, said Arun Singh, head of the neo-natology department. Neo-natology is a branch of paediatrics dealing with the medical care of the newborns, particularly those who are ill and require special care.

"Human milk is meant for humans and it is unparalleled. This breast milk bank will help several sick newborns, premature infants and those infants whose mothers cannot produce milk," Arun Singh, the man behind this innovative initiative, told IANS.

The first and only other breast milk bank in India was set up in Maharashtra. In contrast, the idea of a milk bank is quite popular in countries such as Britain, the US and Sweden.

The bank will take milk from mothers who have more milk left even after feeding their babies.

"We are going to start the milk bank within a few months. The extra milk which is left after feeding milk to the newborns will be stored with the full consent of the mothers," said Debashis Bhattacharjee, superintendent of the 240-year-old Seth Sukhlal Karnani Memorial (SSKM) Hospital.

The hospital is planning to organise breast milk donation camps just like blood donation camps where they will invite mothers to donate milk, said Singh.
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This is very interesting news. So far, we have blood bank and sperm bank. Milk bank of human variety will be of help to children who are deprived of mother milk for any reason.
It is also possible that human milk may be commercialized and even black marketed. There are women who do not want to breastfeed for maintaining their figures. The poor women may sell their milk for extra money just as there are many poor unemployed who sell blood for money.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Blood Bank, Sperm Bank, Breast Milk Bank,whats next?It`s a good scientific move.Nothing to get surprised on it.
Sajeetharan- Personally, I feel Blood bank is of real necessity and is a boon. Many patients need blood during operations and after accidents. Sperm bank only meets desire of this who cannot get child in natural process. similarly, breast milk bank should not be so necessary. Most children may feed on mother breast milk. I wonder how beast milk will be procured. Blood is donated on humanitarian grounds. are there any humanitarian grounds to donate sperm or breast milk ? I wonder. It appears we are gradually moving out of nature's scheme. This may prove disastrous.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant


lets wait and see how they implement!

I urgently need a job there. what should i mention in my cv?
great improvement.
Sajeetharan- I'm glad that you are chasing me in all threads and also well responding. I think you can definitely get a job in the human milk bank.
Any organization needs men who can procure the inputs and distribute among the needy/sell. You may choose whether you will be in function of procuring/collecting milk or disposing it. Also, there will be need to preserve the human milk. You may first choose your exact function and then IM me for writing suitable CV. The CV will be confidential.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

The hospital is planning to organise breast milk donation camps just like blood donation camps where they will invite mothers to donate milk.

i wonder how will they implement it?
I do not think this would lead to a very good success!!!!!

The milk production for a mother totally depends on the child's capacity, and the supplements that the kid needs.....
The mother feeds her child only because of the bond between the both. Moreover, this milk production is not a continuous process too. This is just an essential supplement for the initial months for a baby.

Thanks 'n' Regards,
I also wonder wonder. Sajeetharan- there will be need for persons who may milk those women. We have experienced people who milk buffaloes and cows. I wonder if they can milk women also. Will the women donating milk like to be milked like cattle. If so, you may get the job of engaging the cow and buffaloes owners for the job of taking out milk from women. This will be a bizarre scene.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Oz feeding frenzy: Breast milk sells on blk market
MELBOURNE: A black market in breast milk is booming as parents Down Under are desperate to feed their babies the natural

They are being charged up to $1000 a litre on the internet. Breast milk provides antibodies that protect babies against diseases and is especially important for premature babies.

One of the mothers contacted the Gold Coast based Mother's Milk Bank to ask what the real "going rate" was for breast milk after online sellers sought an exorbitant amount when she placed a web advert seeking human milk.

Mother's Milk Bank director Marea Ryan told her that the not-for-profit bank sold milk for $50 for 1.2 litres. "I think that it is increasing more and more as people become a lot more aware of the benefits of breastfeeding," the Courier Mail quoted Ryan as saying.

Lactation expert Jennifer James from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) said she was aware of the growing unregulated black market.

"It is very dangerous because in an unregulated fashion there are no checks and balances, the milk would not have been tested for viruses and bacteria," said James.

"Women are being put in this insidious position because of a lack of breast milk banks nationally. They have no option but to look outside the system," she added.

Black marketing of breast milk has increased with the advent of the internet where women advertise. James said there should be breast milk banks in all major hospitals but blamed inconsistent legislation for making them difficult to set up.
A baby deserves breast milk from his/her Mom not from a black marketed one...why women are increasingly abstain from breast feeding and go for black market
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