11 years ago
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11 years ago
In a few days Amitabh is going to release Dilip Kumar's auto biography. Who is a greater actor Dilip Kumar or Amitabh. I feel it is Dilip Kumar because he was a pioneer who had only himself to look to act his roles.
Dilip Kumar by all means. He has defined what acting is.
11 years ago
In a few days Amitabh is going to release Dilip Kumar's auto biography. Who is a greater actor Dilip Kumar or Amitabh. I feel it is Dilip Kumar because he was a pioneer who had only himself to look to act his roles.
Dilip Kumar by all means. He has defined what acting is.
Which role/s you liked most
11 years ago
In a few days Amitabh is going to release Dilip Kumar's auto biography. Who is a greater actor Dilip Kumar or Amitabh. I feel it is Dilip Kumar because he was a pioneer who had only himself to look to act his roles.
Dilip Kumar by all means. He has defined what acting is.
Which role/s you liked most
There are several. But I was bowled by his extraordinary histrionic acumen in GangaJamuna.
11 years ago
Dilip Kumar, no doubt is the greater thespian, but the Big B is also in a class of his own, unparalleled by anyone!
"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)
Thank you said by: usha manohar
11 years ago
I think both are incomparable . In their times they were the best. DK excelled as a tragedian and AB as the angry young man.
Thank you said by: Mousumi Ghosh
11 years ago
Dilip Kumar, no doubt is the greater thespian, but the Big B is also in a class of his own, unparalleled by anyone!
You can see shades of Dilip Kumar in Amitabh Bachans acting so there lies no doubt as to who is superior.However, Amitabh is probably much more popular because of the open media now which has been advantageous to him..
Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!
Thank you said by: Kalyani Nandurkar
11 years ago
Stanislavsky Method acting is the approved and acting course adopted in all the acting schools of the world.including Pune institute of acting. He says, a genre of acting that stresses on under acting. This method of acting was well practised by Dilip Kumar much earlier. This underacting was practised by some actors in Bollywood. AB is one of them
11 years ago
Dilip Kumar, no doubt is the greater thespian, but the Big B is also in a class of his own, unparalleled by anyone!
You can see shades of Dilip Kumar in Amitabh Bachans acting so there lies no doubt as to who is superior.However, Amitabh is probably much more popular because of the open media now which has been advantageous to him..
Media does play an important in increasing popularity of Bachchan, but the various shades of roles he has played also added to his fan following. He has played larger-than-life heroes as well as common person with shades of villainy inside him. More importantly, he played the roles of angry young men out to avenge the unfair system, something the youth of that era completely identified with. This made him more desirable.
Have you seen his 'Saudagar' with Nutan playing his leading woman? Its not very well known movie, but I think his role in that movie is one his best ones!
"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)
11 years ago
Dilip Kumar's roles in films like Ganga Jamuna, Kohinoor, Leader, Dil Diya Darad Liya, Paigam, Mughal-e Azam, Sangarsh, Madhumati, Azad etc are a treat to watch. However he belongs to the golden era of Hindi films ie the fifties and sixties when the music was also very melodious Today's generations have Amitabh Bachchan who is also equally a great actor, no doubt. I have seen Saudagar and yes his acting is very good but the audience's sympathy was with Nutan.
Thank you said by: Kalyani Nandurkar
11 years ago
AB is undoubtedly an actor of class in his own right. But Dilip is the pioneer, who started Method acting made famous by Stanislavsky.
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