11 years ago
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11 years ago
wow I did not expect this
I was hoping that Lauren will win
Neither was I. And I too was surprised by the verdict and so wanted to post a discussion in here.
11 years ago
Well, I wasn't regular watcher of the show. But still I was expecting this result as she is already famous because of her few TV serial.. So more fan following.
ANDROIOS: http://androios-tweaks.blogspot.com
11 years ago
Well i was expecting that little bomb should be the winner. She is totally fab. But i guess it was pretty understood by all they she still has time to be at the top so she can wait... nice decision anyways..
Life is a box of Chocolate, You never know what you gonna get.... :)
11 years ago
Well, I wasn't regular watcher of the show. But still I was expecting this result as she is already famous because of her few TV serial.. So more fan following.
Well, I haven't watched a single episode either. It's just that I need to write the Bollywood news (as you know it) and so started this thread as I though some people here would surely be following the show.
11 years ago
Yes I know the reason. Same here, even I don't follow this show, so no more info.
ANDROIOS: http://androios-tweaks.blogspot.com
11 years ago
Yes I know the reason. Same here, even I don't follow this show, so no more info.
:laugh: :laugh: We are traveling in the same boat. By the way, I hope you are maintaining your blog. How about that?
11 years ago
Yes I know the reason. Same here, even I don't follow this show, so no more info.
:laugh: :laugh: We are traveling in the same boat. By the way, I hope you are maintaining your blog. How about that?
:( Not properly like you are doing. I mean not getting time, so I am not regular at all. But still I will keep working on it. :whistle:
ANDROIOS: http://androios-tweaks.blogspot.com
11 years ago
Yes I know the reason. Same here, even I don't follow this show, so no more info.
:laugh: :laugh: We are traveling in the same boat. By the way, I hope you are maintaining your blog. How about that?
:( Not properly like you are doing. I mean not getting time, so I am not regular at all. But still I will keep working on it. :whistle:
But as I have regiserted the site and looking at it professionally, I try to squeeze time out for at least one article daily so that the lnik doesn't break. Otherwise, its difficult finding time for everything on a daily basis.
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