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13 years ago
Some times they throw food because that becomes stale or not worth eating. There is no harm to throw it out because other animals like dogs also feed on that.
13 years ago
Some times they throw food because that becomes stale or not worth eating. There is no harm to throw it out because other animals like dogs also feed on that.
what if they do it daily? and food becomes stale only when it is made in more amount and is stored for two times but if you will make food in proper amount it will not be left and wasted.
13 years ago
Doing this daily is bad unless they give it to dogs or cows as per their traditions.
13 years ago
if i could have been able to make you see that then you could have said that its waste as they throw dal in drainage(naali).so its not a tradition.
13 years ago
Then that is not a right thing to do. God feels bad if food is wasted. You see we were told in childhood that one must worship food.
13 years ago
yes it is taught in childhood only that we should not disrespect food.and not just food but they do waste many other things also.like my mother gave them money to buy a blanket in winters and what they did they brought a colured mobile phone because their 10year old child wanted to hear music.and already they were having one black and white set.
even i too dont force my parents for unnecessary requirements until needed.
even i too dont force my parents for unnecessary requirements until needed.
13 years ago
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