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Deepti, am not going to do business anyway...

income(pastry) 100
spent(change) -30
return owner remaining 70.

Gave owner His 30
his ring +70
loss = 100

Hope now you can understand
The problem is simple but a bit confusing.
Actually there is no gain or profit from pastery owner as the shop keeper gives 100$ back to him.
So it becomes a simple problem.
Nice explanation.... :P
This is what you are telling....

Income(pastry) - 100

Change (Customer) - 30
Ring(To Customer) - 70
To Pastry owner - 100

TOTAL -- LOSS $100

Thanks 'n' Regards,
My answer to this would be :
$30 paid out in cash to to the fraudster + cost of the ring to the seller

Logically speaking the seller would be selling the ring at Cost + Profit (which in this case is 70$)- So provided the seller bought the ring from a supplier for $50 before selling at $70 his loss amounts to 50+30=$80

The $100 taken from the neighbor in exchange for the voucher has been returned therefore no loss recorded to any of the parties here.

Please let me know the official answer if u have it :)

hi !

Grandson age is 16

Grandfather age is 66

Be positive
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