15 years ago
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15 years ago
To start with :
Ornithology : Study of birds
Cardiology : Study of heart
Zoology : Study of animals
Ornithology : Study of birds
Cardiology : Study of heart
Zoology : Study of animals
15 years ago
Geotechnic --- Study of increasing habitability of the earth
Seismology --- Study of earthquakes
Seismology --- Study of earthquakes
With Regards
15 years ago
ENGINEERING - "Originally, the art of managing engines; in its modern and extended sense, the art and science by which the mechanical properties of matter are made useful to man in structures and machines; the occupation and work of an engineer"
ENGINEERING - "Originally, the art of managing engines; in its modern and extended sense, the art and science by which the mechanical properties of matter are made useful to man in structures and machines; the occupation and work of an engineer"
15 years ago
Paleontology: the study of ancient life or the prehistoric life
Archeology: is the study of past human societies by recovering and analyzing ancient materials!
Geology: is the science and study of the physical matter and energy that constitute the Earth.
Physiology: is the science of the functioning of living systems.
Anatomy: is a branch of biology and medicine which studies the structure of living things.
Archeology: is the study of past human societies by recovering and analyzing ancient materials!
Geology: is the science and study of the physical matter and energy that constitute the Earth.
Physiology: is the science of the functioning of living systems.
Anatomy: is a branch of biology and medicine which studies the structure of living things.
"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)
15 years ago
Neurology : Study of nerve system
15 years ago
osteology : study of bones and teeth
hematology : study of blood and blood diseases
Zoology : study of animals
hematology : study of blood and blood diseases
Zoology : study of animals
15 years ago
Computer Science: the study of computer and the processes involved in it
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