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Santosh Kumar Singh


Good attempt.. but
lizard is the odd one and the other words contain the name of a sunsign like :librarian has LIBRA and caries has ARIES etc.

a GOOD ONE.... I think BACK is odd, as the other words, when spelt back form another word..
Sridevi you are right. The explanation is as it.

All the others can also be read backwards as proper words

Santosh Kumar Singh


Thanks Santosh....

Another one:

Its beak.. I think...
Remaining all are present with humans..

Beak is part of bird.

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Yes Deepthi.. right..

Next: 567,528,459,645,105
The last number is 104.. (not 105)
The Old one these is 104

Because In all others word 5 comes but in 104, 5 does not come.
Yes, correct.. grt.. It is 104

So here comes the next
ruby, emerald, garnet,opal, gold
In my view Old one is Garnet

Because rest all others are stones whereas Garnet is stone...
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