India's annual headline inflation is expected to ease to 5.5 percent by end-March 2011, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said on Monday.

Annual headline inflation in November eased to a 12-month low of 7.48 percent. The Indian central bank, the Reserve Bank of India expects inflation to ease to 5.5 percnt by end-March.
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He keeps on changing the time-frame! God knows when it's going to come down as far as the prices are concerned there is hardly any change!
Dear Friend,

This is really good topic to expose the Indian politician.
It will help us to understand their philosophy.

The P.M and his Finance Minister have been just promising for years without delivering on them!!
Price rise is affecting all class of people.We have to wait and watch. :( :(
I am not aware of these terms inflation deflation and the effect it produce.

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