There is at Mathura a modern day 'GURU' called Jai Guru Dev. He is a sort of land mafia. He once claimed that he is Subhash chandra Bose. But still he has many staunch followers. They choked the high way.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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Thaks for informing this information about agra.

Want to make each day Accountable

This is really eye opener for all those who are trusting blindly. Mostly GURU's are fake in India but not all. So we got to be careful.

This choke will be a big problem for all commuters who are in emergency situations.
Bharat wrote:
[quote]This is really eye opener for all those who are trusting blindly. Mostly GURU's are fake in India but not all. So we got to be careful.


The personality cult in religion or politics or any where leads to malpractices and concentration of misplaced authority. We should cultivate the idea of giving more importance to idea rather than individual. Jai Guru Dev or Asha Ram or anyone else does not say anything unique. They just preach certain values which may be accepted. It is okay to accept any noble thoughts and practices but it is fatal to worship and idolize individuals.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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