Now there is Cyber war between our neighbor. CBI website has been hacked.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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This is what pakistani are famous for. They don't want to leave india. They want to interfere and thats what they are doing.

Want to make each day Accountable

Ronark Bhardwaj wrote:
[quote]This is what Pakistani are famous for. They don't want to leave India. They want to interfere and that's what they are doing.[/quote]

WE humiliated them in war. We have to do the same in cyber war as well.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Oh God!!! CBI should have very high security to hack... How come this happened???

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Many high-educated Muslim youth from all over the world are exploited on the name of Jihad by those who even don't know the meaning of Jihad. Even Osama-bin-Laden was a very literate person. Most of the master minds are from best students of the best Institutes of the whole world.
Yes,I agree with you Aman.They are well versed in all technologies.
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