Computer security firm Sophos warned the Facebook users on their usage of online messaging services. It is being found that such uses of the social networking site are now more vulnerable to read more

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Thanks jayen i have not at come across this type of information on social networking sites till now......
I dont communicate with Facebook messaging but people should understand that it is risky...
Very alarming consequences have been highlighted. We must be more cautious and not opt for online messaging services on face book.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Though I don't use this service I will try to pass on the message to my friends who use Facebook.
Please forward this link to as many people as possible to avoid this kind of consequences.

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Many many things are coming against this facebook.Really we have to be more careful.

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If you visit facebook you can easily search people and enter in their lives which is as bad as publishing your privacy.

Click the below link for news which you can use:NeWsYoUCaNUsE
Thanks Jayen.It was very nice of you to warn us all in time.I read somewhere that employers are finding out the personal details of the job aspirants with the help of facebook but that was sort of not that bad.But the one you have pointed is worth taking notice of.Thanks once again.
Thanks for sharing information.

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I rarely visit facebook.Most often when friend request comes and piles I sign in there.

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