Bracelet phone designs are already a regular item on our site, specially since these concepts are hot-looking and appealing to the feminine audience. This time we’re dealing with the Philips Fluid smartphone, a flexible OLED phone created by Brazilian designer Dinard da here to see the phone

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I just loved it....The technology is just superb....
superb phone ............... where can i get it. Can you tell me what is the expected cost jayen.
I will let you know as soon as I have the information.

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I really loved both the technology and the phone.But the price would be unreachable it seems.
Wow! Thanks for sharing! It is indeed a very beautiful phone with elegant and futuristic design!

But I wonder if we would be ever able to afford the phone??

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

I too love the phone and will definetely purchase it if the price is afforable.. :laugh: :)
Jayen wrote:
[quote]I will let you know as soon as I have the information.[/quote]

thanks jayen...would definitely buy if the price would be affordable.........
You are welcome but one thing is clear that these phones are concept phones and coming into mass production is still uncertain. They have just arrived from research and development and would certainly take time to come to market. Till then enjoy viewing them on the screen.

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