An Indian-origin woman teacher in Britain has admitted that she had sex with two boy-pupils at her home, a court was told.

Thirtyseven-year-old Hina Patel, who worked as a teacher, met the boys at her home where they had intercourse, Daily Express reported Wednesday.

Patel has pleaded guilty to two charges of abusing her position of trust by sexual misconduct with the boys.
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When the world is going to put an end to these sort of vulgarities? :( :ohmy:
Although bad enough, this shows that women are not far behind men and using their position. Next we may get news of woman executive in a company sexually abusing her male subordinates.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

It is really disgusting.Who knows?- what gulshan has stated may also happen. :( :(
A teacher doing this?Teacher is considered to be a social engineer!

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A teacher doing this horrible.....
this profession is given such a great position and people are just spoiling it....
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