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Any comparison between use of force of a democracy and a totalitarian regime is too far-fetched and illogical.What China did at Tiennmann Square was horribly fascist and its leadership did not hestitate to crush a peaceful assembly of students with tanks and what still it's doing in relation to Tibetan people is just unthinkable in our land.And if it was not gross violation of human rights,I don't know what you have precisely suggested.China has given up its pretences of being a Communist country and has turned itself into a right-wing dictatorship.And the security implications for its neighbours are too grave to contemplate.In its expansionist mindset it has trouble with all its neighbours.
Thanks Gulshan for answering my question..I agree that he should be released as he have done nothing wrong to be punished.
Rajani K wrote:
[quote]Thanks Gulshan for answering my question..I agree that he should be released as he have done nothing wrong to be punished.[/quote]

All should be free unless they commit crime. This depends on law of the land. I do not know why the Award winning Chinese was imprisoned. This is a matter entirely for Chinese authorities.

As regards award, there is no doubt that this was not given for any achievement of the Chinese award recipient but only with a view to embarrass the govt. of china. Refusal to accept the award may make release easier. Patriotism demands that one must not embarrass own people and govt. In this connection, i remember that Ravindra Nath Tagore had refused knighthood in view of patriotism.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

China has warned all states against attending Nobel Prize ceremony. Many have agreed not to attend the ceremony. see the links below:

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

It is simple shocking that so many are avoiding...Thanks for sharing the links Gulshan.
What will be reaction if a Nobel Prize is given to Aundhati for her stand on Maoists and Kashmir. For likely reactions, see below:

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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