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It's a long judgement running into several hundred pages.Thanks Neetu fro sharing the link!
I hope whatever be the decision there will no no more conflicts further..
Yes Neetu... I have seen this news...
Donno how to react with the verdict and the unsatisfied persons...

Thanks 'n' Regards,
There may be many people unsatisfied but atleast it has given relief to those fearing communal clashes or riots. The verdict helped in maintaining peace
I am happy in a way that the verdict helped in maintaining peace and harmony.
Yes Nagalakshmi, I too am happy with the initial peace, just hope and pray that it continues!!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

The verdict is balanced one meeting aspirations of concerned parties. Nobody is fully satisfied nor completely disappointed. However, this is semi final. One party has decided to move supreme court. There is three months time to file an appeal. Then the ball will be in supreme court, who may also take quite long time to decide. As this is sentimental issue, justice delayed is in human interest.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

the one third area is gone ram lalla, one third to nirmohi akhara and one third to sunni central wakf board.......
Equally justified judgement. :cheer: :cheer:
Hight of stupidity and religious politics has finally come an end after 61 year. :) :P
It haven't ended Sudha... :(
This would be passed to the Supreme Court... :(

Thanks 'n' Regards,
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