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if you want to earn money without doing work gambling is very nice,but the matter is you need to hav strengthy heart.
People get addicted easily and if luck is there we can get some output or else depression
As I have already pointed out that this is not a desirable ecnomic activity and morally I am also opposed to it!
ya it will definitely increase the economy, but it spoils many's tru.
ya it will definitely increase the economy, but it spoils many's true.
ya it will definitely increase the economy, but it spoils many's true.
Sorry, it helps, because in casino poor peoples are not allowed and rich people are always welcome, that means, rich peoples are spending their money lot and lot in casino, which goes indirectly to government as a tax.

Which is a good point.
It is not only gambling that happens in Casino's. Drinking, drugs and all other anti social things can be observed in casino's.
That is reason it is described as a den of vices.All sorts of shady characters roam these casinos!!
Nalakshmi, I know it is wrong for us... but I am talking about rich peoples who can spend a lot more than I earn in year,

and government has given a license to casino for drugs and drinkings, and government is making revenue from it, as rich peoples are stealing money from tax and put in casino,

this way or that way government is making money... that is what I think...

This is not applicable to peoples from poor or middle class like me
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