securitymen kill more civilians than terrorists in J&K - India - The Times of India
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The situation in J & K is a matter of grave concern.I think by merely blaming the security personnel won't help as it's a complex problem.
wth these politicians are doing?

abundant power leads this security men misleading
I dont think it would have been a deliberate attempt by the securities to kill them
they are not civilians, they were traitors, who were chasing police & throwing stones
While civilian deaths are most unfortunate and should not happen but the situation in J&K is different.We have disconcerting reports that a certain section of youth of that state led by Pro-Pak elements are indulging in provocative acts against the security forces.
they are not civilians, they were traitors, who were chasing police & throwing stones

sajee i think u r correct if they civilians then y they did like traitors..............................
It is really uncontrollable situation in J&K. peace is a never heard word in that state now.. :( Hope god will only save them ..
It's the gross incompetence on the part of both the state as well as Centre to allow the situation to come to such a sorry pass!!
Common masses of Kashmir now needs to get down and think hard about all this logically!!! They should make peace with India and work towards their future as their future lies with a strong India
It's a very conspiracy being hatched and executed there with money coming in from Pakistan to encourage Kashmiri youths to hurl stones at security forces!
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