NEW DELHI: The shortage of doctors and paramedical staff for the country's poor and downtrodden is assuming alarming proportions.

According to the latest data on rural health statistics, a huge number of posts sanctioned for medical staff in primary and community health centers have been lying vacant.

Consider the case of primary health centres. The vacancies stack up to 5,224 doctors, 7,243 health care workers and 1701 health assistants, respectively. The situation is equally grim for community health centres.

As many as 4,026 sanctioned posts for specialists are up for grabs, while that of pharmacists are 5,000.

Cumulatively speaking, 5,591 slots for lab technicians are yet to be filled, and there is a dire need for 10,089 nurses and midwifes. Sub centers for health are short of 26,208 health workers.

Read more: Acute shortage of doctors, paramedics in rural areas - India - The Times of India
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We need to adopt scheme of 'barefoot doctors' like china. There are many semi educated doctors in villages posing as full fledged doctors. such doctors and others can be given some better short term training and utilized for common ailments and giving first aid. Also communication network be developed and utilized for medical service. Even less trained doctors in remote places may get advice of specialists in big cities through medical transcription on internet.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

students are forced to work in villages for 1.5 years after they get their degree or pay some amount.. this too could be one of the reasons why fewer students are opting for the course.Plus, JUST an MBBS degree which would take 5 years is of no value nowdays you HAVE to do your post graduation, super pecialisations to become a somebody in this field..and their pay too isn't that great..!!
I think we have to adopt western system in education which can given flexibility in accessing any fields..Like a engineer can also become doctor.
India need more doctors and some stupid institutes are decreasing number of seats to "maintain their reputation."
its a bad news, but it gives lot of opportunities for the MBBS students.
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