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It is something going to be happened sometime...however i have provided any personal details in my facebook account.Thanks for sharing MEEAN..
but facebook profile is much safer than orkut profile... :-/ you can keep it off from those idiots looking for your info there
If we provide our personal details in face book or anywhere, we should not be shy of these being displayed anywhere. Personally, I do not claim to be all virtuous and ideal for all. If my personal details howsoever uncomfortable are known to more people, I need not grudge. Internet is public platform. what you write on the net is public property. If you wish that some details about you should not be widely known, better do not include in your profile or show anywhere.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I haven't made a single new friend in Fb ! All my friends are either my school/college mates or Orkut buddies !

But Fb is less violent :P ... u can spend the whole day playing stupid games. Like in Frontierville, u have to collect some number of spitballs before u move ahead
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