The Insurance authorities discriminated against women victim of road accident and allowed lesser compensation on the plea that she is mere house wife. Arun Kumar Aggarwal claimed compensation on death of his wife in a road accident. A compensation of Rs. 2.5 lac was awarded. Thde Supreme court has directed that compensation Rs. 6 lac be given and also Rs. 50,000/ towards cost of litigation. According to te court awarding of less compensation on death of a 'mere house wife' shows gender bias.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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:angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

Thats really unfair..... Claiming insurance should be same for all.... This cannot be given gender bias... :angry: :angry:

Very bad..

Thanks 'n' Regards,
This should be condemned.In our country,housewives are given little respect compared to other people.Without housewives a house cannot run properly and they are sacrificing so many things for their family which nobody is realising.
This is a very shameful and discriminatory incident. I think this is the incident which brought to light the fact that housewives were clubbed with prostitutes and beggars which I mentioned in my thread.

:angry: :angry: :angry:

It actually questions the sanity of the authorities who decide on such rulings.

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

this is very shameful can they differenciate between policy holder based on their pofession if all holder pay same premium....if premium for housewife is less than only u can made difference otherwise not...
Shameful act, and there is no justice. am back to boddunan.
Well these insurance companies while investing in insurance give lot of false promise and respect.But during the claim really act as if they are giving their own property or money to the victim...They should not be spare.. :angry:
Vijay- There is discrimination even in Life insurance. A house wife cannot take a policy unless her husband has also taken a policy. But this is not so unfair. Actually, premium is paid out of income of a person. If only house wife who is not employed is insured and husband himself is not, this creates a doubt about intention in taking policy.
Real change can come only if women become economically self dependent. The role as mere house wife is very significant but this does not suffice to make a woman more self reliant.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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