This Costarican canopy butterfly is feeding on the banana bait.Looks stunning in all its splendid colors!
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It is really beautiful...

Nature has created very beautiful creatures, it is one of is looking like a color box...

Aastha Gupta
Wow!! :)

Life is so beautiful..
It shows its colors in different ways..
makes some one the cynosure of all the eyes...

Beautiful Picture !!! :cheer:

Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
One of the beautiful species is butterfly and this one is simply wonderful.. I see very big butterflies in my garden sometimes then i wonder though the lava of the butterfly is very irritating to see or touch, how come it became so beautiful after becoming adult...I then though it is one the excellent creation of God. :)
Thanks for posting this picture!! It is very very beautiful!!! :) :) :)

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

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