UK scientist have claimed breakthrough in developing a laser technology which can sense hidden explosives.If their claims are true,it can be expected to be a boon for the security establishment of the countries which are the worst victims of terrorism.
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This is indeed very good news!! this technology can be used to lots of benefit in India itself, especially in Naxal-ridden areas! Also in countries where Second World War was staged, tehre are still stray incidents occurring where hidden or abandoned explosives still explode occasionally killing people!! This technology can be used to ferret out such mines!!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

This is a very innovative project undertook and completed, this will be very beneficial to India.
It proves a better future for India and will help in getting rid of terrorism upto an extent.

Aastha Gupta
Yes. That's a great invention. Hope it comes to india very soon and helps us fight the terrorists.
As terrorism and its methods goes on in pace with technology , there is no safety to humans.

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Yes i agree with Abid..The more new technology is developing, ways are coming to break it... :(
Human ingenuity knows no end! As scientists are making new discoveries ,the terrorists too are getting more sophisticated!
@ chinmoy

Another things i want to share is such type of technology is always used on innocent people....and finally the culprits escape somehow... :(
The common and innocent people who have hardly anything to do with their so-called causes are always the hapless victims!
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