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Yes Kalyani. I was also wondering what's the purpose of writing high school examination again after getting a degree.
It is really a surprising news..What ever be her motive behind the deed it is unfair according to rules and her age..
It is rather the symptom of deep-rooted malaise that afflicts our education system in which moral values are given so little importance.
Chinmoy- Moral values are non existent everywhere.I don understand what the Postgraduate could gain by appearing in High School. She just topped in District. If she managed to appear in primary, she could have topped the entire world.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

It is generally accepted that a person who is famous is successful, therefore people will resot to anything to gain publicity thinking that will make them famous!! I think this could be an example!!!Though I really pity her sanity!!! :laugh:

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Kalyani- Getting bad name is not fame. Everyone in her known circle knew that she is a postgraduate. Moreover, the year of passing high school would be definitely much later than High School. This variation would help he nowhere.

It is okay to get famous by good deeds. Otherwise what you get is a bad name and you are notorious and not famous.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

As per the rules of my state it is not possible to do a lower degree after acquiring a higher one.So I wonder how this done.

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Abid- Obviously, the candidate concealed the higher degrees to appear in High School. But I think this qualification cannot be helpful ad the year of passing High School will be much later than Postgraduate degree. This is very bizarre and odd case.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

@Gulshan, I agree with your views on definition of being famous. But for some people infamy may be equivalent to becoming famous!!
Again, those are my views!!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

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