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At this juncture i think it is nice if we have some precautions to be taken: Few of them are:

--Do not stand near drenched walls or trees
--Beware of any loose wires on road. If possible, take a torch along with you, in the evenings.
We must heave a sigh of relief that this cyclonic system has weakened considerably and has almost spent itself out.
I am sick of this rain due to this laila..havent seen sun from week. It is now orissa's turn to face this cyclone... :unsure:
On the brighter side of it is the relief it may given from the sweltering heat of the summer.
And also possibley decrease in power cuts... :)
Good Morning all my friends!

The heat and power cuts were just getting too unbearable and the appearance of monsoon seems to be changing the climate for the better.
thanx, Laila left the coromandal cost and gone more east.
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