In a decision which may have far-reaching consequences the Apex court of the country.As we all know that in cases where medical negligence are determined and compemsation to the victim are fixed the members of the Indian medical fraternity are mostly reluctant to testify against the negligent doctors.What do you think?
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A great and comforting verdict. This will help the patients to get more accurate care and treatment from the hospitals for sure.
I know that what the doctors in this country are going to say on this.They would just cry foul on this!!
The Indian doctors would definitely cry foul over this, but bringing in the foreign experts can ensure that honest and unbiased opinions are given that will greatly benefit the victims of gross negligence! Its a really comforting thought.

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Some of questionable practices by a section of medicos would effectively taken care of by this decision.
As we are heading towards globalization, this is welcome. Our doctors may also be engaged by other countries for similar purpose. This is a matter of individual merit.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Yes,the various other fields too are going to witness similar competition under the WTO regime very soon.
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