An Israelian scientist in US has discovered a pen kind of device to detect bombs.The main chemical used for making bombs is Peroxide. This device is used to detect the presence of peroxide.It can detect the presence of peroxide even if somebody hides this chemical in their shoes, dresses etc. It will take some time for this device to reach Indian markets.
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Such a great invention by the scientist to detect bombs even if somebody hides in their whole body...
This is a very useful invention. I hope this will be developed further so that the terrorists are effectively combated.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Perverted elements are busy discovering new means and methods of destruction and scientists too are busying themselves to effectively counter them.Good to know!!
wow this is a new information for me thanks for providing this

I think its great one invented. India will also get benefit from this.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Let us hope human ingenuity would ultimately triumph over the evil forces.
Chinmoy- I appreciate your sentiment that ingenuity would win over the evil. There is constant war between good and the evil. We wish evil is defeated. This will need strengthening the forces against evil. The good are more but they are less active.

The evil forces like terrorists are also equipped with latest devices and they have killing instinct. The will power is lacking in democratic forces. That is why the terrorists have an upper hand.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I agree with your very positive view of life.I still believe there are enough good people in this world but their great deeds are not that prominently highlighted.For instance how many people know the signal service rendered by the late Baba Amte for the cause of down-trodden.It is our duty to propagate it.
What a great invention.... This would definitely help the security persons....

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Very good invention.Will the terrorists now make invisible bombs to overcome all this?

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