Another installment of Jizya has been approved for Pakistan by USA. Pakistan has became like a big begging bowl of the world, just surviving by blackmailing the world by projecting their own terror groups. As long as USA earns money from arms sale to terrorists and other nations, they do such fundings in their own interest.
Don't you think USA wantedly creating such situations to slow down India from growing as fast as it can. Now China is also playing the same game of USA. In between Pak is benefitting and surviving by these evil designs.
USA is also India's most vindictive and dangerous enemy. We are actually facing the terrorists/terrorism from Pak but indirectly trained/funded by USA.
What do you say. Am, I right or wrong? Please discuss.

Sridhar Kesireddy
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We really don't know whether Pakistan is really using these money to curb/finish taliban and other terroist organisation (lashkar-e-toiba, jamad-ud-dawa)or it is using this money for carrying out attacks like the recently happened mumbai attacks or using this money for funding various organisation like ISI. So in my point we really can't say whether"AMERICA IS FUNDING TERROR"
Hello Sridhar Kesireddy,

Please talk about Pakistan. Involving USA for supporting terrorism is not right.

- Harish Jharia

Harish Jharia
From the above answer of Rajiv, (We really don't know whether Pakistan is really using these money to curb global terrorism or it is using this money for carrying anti Indian missions).
I wonder some one in India still have doubts about it. It is no more a hidden secret today.

Pakistani terrorism is a symptom, but the root cause of it is the hidden supporters behind these missions who support with arms, training and money. Originally who created the talibans.
How long we can ignore the root cause of global terrorism and try to control and concentrate on the symptoms.

Today the policy of some countries is that, as long as terrorists do not attack on their country and citizens, they do funding for them directly or indirectly and divert them upon to their rivals in the global economic war to create favourable conditions for their trade and progress.

I may be wrong in my opinion. Kindly discuss and correct me if so.

Sridhar Kesireddy
The private weapon manufacturers in U.S.A. find the terrorists everywhere as their potential customers. Only when U.s.a and other western countries face direct danger from these terrorist groups, they are alarmed.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

United States is the most powerful fighter against terrorism. You are discouraging the anti-terror efforts being made by the USA.

Harish Jharia
If you want to criticise Pakistan... for running training camps, supporting terrorism by calling as jehaad (revolution), arranging for the hideouts for terrorists and funding them by cash and kind... then we can understand your view point. Nevertheless, the baseless criticism of USA is just looking childish.

Harish Jharia
Messages posted on internet are expected to be read by millions worldwide; hence, we have to follow constraints while hurling baseless accusation against a country like US that is working hard for fighting against terrorism.

Harish Jharia
Harish- U.S.A. fights terrorism as long as they directly face terror. The fact remains that they are not interested in sovereignty of India or International Law. The terrorists get weapons from American manufacturers.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Hello gulshan kumar ajmani,

Your posts are always good and decent and I do feel good responding to them. This one is also one such excellent post that I am responding.

Harish Jharia
The main arms and ammunition used in terrorism are mainly the Russian made Kalashnikov and the same made in the name of AK-47, AK-56 in many other names in china, Pakistan and other countries who support the cause of terrorism mainly Islamic, Naxal and those practised in the far east regions of India and Indian subcontinent.

Harish Jharia
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