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I don't think funds are the constraints to spread the light of education.It is rather the will that is missing.Our politicians have a vested interest in keeping the masses in the darkness of illiteracy.As for the corridor project,I have no comments to make at the moment.

The mindset of a leader is far more important than anything else.Today we have leaders of all hues who supposedly champion the cause of Dalits but very few sincere ones who genuinely believe in upliftment of the lot of an average Dalit. Ram Vilas Paswan who created histrory by beating his opponent with a record margin some decades back lost the last election that gives a fair idea of the fall of this man.He is known for his extravagantly lavish life style. The people of U.P voted Mayavati to power on earlier occasions too and she lost power beacuse of her failure to identify her role in improving the lot of the disadvanged.This time too she's been frittering another opportunity to build herself a true visionary leader.
Hope the children's Education programme makes a good hit and helps many of the little children to study.

Thanks 'n' Regards,
It's pity that a popular leader like her is destined to be one of those who raised hopes to cruelly dash them. I don't know what is in the womb of future but going by her current showing I am afraid she's going to be one of the leaders who has failed horribly on all fronts.The homeless dalits,the jobless dalits have no place in her scheme of things.Their education and health do not figure in her list of prorities.She's busy installing her statues criminally wasting the precious funds of the people just to satisfy her super-sized ego!
Friends who is not aware I am just giving you a small explanation When Government getting more than 3-4 lakh crore rupees as education cess and if they keep this money for 1 year bank at 8% interest they get around 30000 crore rupees can you imagine a huge money, but all these goes to foreign banks as black money ( way is invested on poor children free education)
Forget about the corridor India is not a poor country It has enough money just people has to aware about Right to information act
We are really pity about ourselves by electing leaders like Mayawati.If we observing the function of her government,she don't care the lives and rights of of common people in U.P.In the last month, when stampede happened in pratapgarh ashram costs 63 lives,she told to media,government has not having enough funds to provide compensation.Recently,She wrote a letter to prime minister, government has no funds to implement education for all children.

Her government already spent lot of money building statues and memorial parks by spending hundreds of crores. Is there any rational by building those parks and memorials by leaving the common man problems to the air.Whether these parks and memorials solve the peoples problems.I don't understand why mayawathi believing in parks,statues and memorials rather than solving problems of people who elected her.It is shame to the mayawathi to say that,we are unable to implement such a great scheme of children education in their state.It is better to resign and support the others who come forward to implement such a great schemes.Otherwise, resign the government and go for elections by her recent comments.
The activities of Miss Mayavati is really wondering common man.Educated people can only direct her in spending the public money.

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mr Abid Till the time most of the people not aware how corrupt people wasting there money which they have earned and given tax then No body will rise any sound and nothing is going to happen
I am very happy that all the members who have participated and expressed their views on this, are unequivocal in their condemnation of the reckless conduct of the U.P Chief Minister and hope she acquires the soundness of head and heart to set things right.The cheap populism would get her no where! Let her contribute to the cause of dalit in such manner that people would instal her in their hearts.Babashaeb Ambedkar is a household name today and he never suffered from any such self-delusion.
Educated citizen will definitely not vote for Mayavathi in the next elections.
If Ambedkar Ji is alive, he will never allow this to happen. Don not know why these politicians do every deed keeping their vote back in mind!!!!

Thanks 'n' Regards,
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