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Can any one explain this corridor project. It is aimed for whom ? What is its advantages etc.
@Shalu Joseph

Please read the description in the title of the thread.{first post}

Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
Corridor project is nothing ...just waste of Tax payers money.She is spending money on this project like water.
recently,Mayawati asked for recruitment of 2 lakh security personnel to guard these statues at Amebedkar park. :( :( :(

ha ha ha

:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :woohoo: :woohoo:
Well Said Bhanu....

You are telling the bitter truth. Why does she care for the common man?
She cares for herself and her vested interests.

Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
She came behalf of the dalits. She plays dalit. But she never care for them. But the local nethas brainwashed the sc guys that she is the new avtar for them. We cant help it poor guys. Her only interest is to have her photo in the front pages of the national dailies being a local leader [?]. and to make money as much as possible. I think she feels that only monuments and idols can make the people to remember her like the old kings era time. The kings used to make idols, temples and palaces to make there existence. Even mayawathi thinks like that. So far I never seen a single educated guy likes her activities as political leader.
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