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I heard that news and notice was served to her. She is brand ambassador of this mentioned product.

She deserves. Those who endorse a product should know all the ins and outs of the product. Without knowing she endorsed the product just for money.

Earlier stars sat on a high horse and only thought of the money they got for endorsements but now with this step taken by the government agencies , they will be more responsible and come down to the aam aadmi level and take some responsibility for their actions as well...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

usha manohar wrote:

Earlier stars sat on a high horse and only thought of the money they got for endorsements but now with this step taken by the government agencies , they will be more responsible and come down to the aam aadmi level and take some responsibility for their actions as well...


Exactly. A celebrity is supposed to know what they are endorsing. It's like Salman endorsing an Ad that preaches against killing of willd animals.


Now, every state would test Maggi samples, and it is real difficult time for this Nestle product.

Adulteration of food is a crime. Nestle deserves a big punishment.

I read on Facebook that now AB and priety zinta are also in soup due to this Maggie case.

Now many people who endorsed these products are going to questioned whosoever it may be.

Amitabh Bachan too is apparently in the dock since he too was the brand ambassador for Maggi sometime back. He says that he has a clause in his contract which sort of shields him...we will have to wait and see how this goes !

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

usha manohar wrote:

Amitabh Bachan too is apparently in the dock since he too was the brand ambassador for Maggi sometime back. He says that he has a clause in his contract which sort of shields him...we will have to wait and see how this goes !


True. I too am not aware of the Clause part. The news item was also silent about the clause. As you said we have to wait to see the turn of events.


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