Natwar Singh was part of Sonia Gandhis Coterie and had knowledge of everything that went on within the party and about Sonia Gandhi,Now that he has disclosed some details in his book, Congress party and its leaders understandably are up in arms defending the Madame and her intentions and abusing Natwar Singh in print like they did before with 2 others who revealed the inside details ...Natwar Singh's revelation about Sonias refusal to take up the Pm post apparently was not any inner voice but fear for her life and her sons insistence because he feared for her life !...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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Natwar Singh was part of Sonia Gandhis Coterie and had knowledge of everything that went on within the party and about Sonia Gandhi,Now that he has disclosed some details in his book, Congress party and its leaders understandably are up in arms defending the Madame and her intentions and abusing Natwar Singh in print like they did before with 2 others who revealed the inside details ...Natwar Singh's revelation about Sonias refusal to take up the Pm post apparently was not any inner voice but fear for her life and her sons insistence because he feared for her life !...

Yeah..Natwar Singh is now in every news channel...making news about the chapter that he has dedicated on Sonia Gandhi in this book -- One Life is Not Enough.

Here's another link that gives a snap of chapter 20..on Sonia.

“A mistake is a crash-course in learning” – Billy Anderson

Thank you said by: usha manohar
One should keep in mind that Sanjay Baru did not get an extension as press advisor in 2009 and Natwar Singh got embroiled in an alleged scam of Iraq oil payments - and both have come out with books 'exposing' their bosses. They have a right to do so but all that they write is not with out bias. If they had got what they wanted the books would have a different flavour.
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
There is a saying, "When thieves fight, when there is a conflict arises in dividing their Spoil, truths will emerge out. " Now its what happening.
But it should be remembered that People of rhis country never believed in the propaganda scripted by script writers that Sonia is a Saint and sacrificed her PM post. People allowed her to dig her own grave more deeper and deeper so that she herself falls in the grave.
Neither Natwar nor Sonia to that matter even ant in that party are epitomes of Virtues.
There is a saying, "When thieves fight, when there is a conflict arises in dividing their Spoil, truths will emerge out. " Now its what happening.
But it should be remembered that People of rhis country never believed in the propaganda scripted by script writers that Sonia is a Saint and sacrificed her PM post. People allowed her to dig her own grave more deeper and deeper so that she herself falls in the grave.
Neither Natwar nor Sonia to that matter even ant in that party are epitomes of Virtues.

Of course everyone could see through that "Inner voice" especially given the fact that she was power hungry and dominating ...It was just a survival instinct from her side ! Natwar Singh was another scape goat for the party and its members' greed , probably Natwar himself was part of the strategy committee at one time litle realising that he too would have the same fate ..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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