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The adamant attitude of Kejriwal should be stopped and think of fighting for welfare issues.Fighting for irrelevant issues will create hatred on him.

Kejriwal and his associates will say and do what they like. Let us not be fooled by them. I expect that Kejriwal group will vanish soon after the parliamentary elections. His mentor Anna is also opposed to his tactics.
Absolutely, Indian politics has never ever been so low tide, with false allegations and false works are announced day after day.

It seems like a hobby of Kejriwal to accuse any one without proof and shout in front of the media to get attention.

This reminds me of a shepherd boy who would tease people by shouting 'wold- wolf' even when there was no wolf. Nobody believed him when a wolf actually appeared. Similarly, people will gradually lose interest or faith in what Kejriwal says even when he is correct. In shot, he will lose his credibility.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

The adamant attitude of Kejriwal should be stopped and think of fighting for welfare issues.Fighting for irrelevant issues will create hatred on him.

Kejriwal and his associates will say and do what they like. Let us not be fooled by them. I expect that Kejriwal group will vanish soon after the parliamentary elections. His mentor Anna is also opposed to his tactics.
Absolutely, Indian politics has never ever been so low tide, with false allegations and false works are announced day after day.

It seems like a hobby of Kejriwal to accuse any one without proof and shout in front of the media to get attention.

This reminds me of a shepherd boy who would tease people by shouting 'wold- wolf' even when there was no wolf. Nobody believed him when a wolf actually appeared. Similarly, people will gradually lose interest or faith in what Kejriwal says even when he is correct. In shot, he will lose his credibility.

Yes I agree. That story perfectly relates to this situation. Hope Kejriwal learns some lessons from it and mends his follies.
The adamant attitude of Kejriwal should be stopped and think of fighting for welfare issues.Fighting for irrelevant issues will create hatred on him.

Kejriwal and his associates will say and do what they like. Let us not be fooled by them. I expect that Kejriwal group will vanish soon after the parliamentary elections. His mentor Anna is also opposed to his tactics.
Absolutely, Indian politics has never ever been so low tide, with false allegations and false works are announced day after day.

It seems like a hobby of Kejriwal to accuse any one without proof and shout in front of the media to get attention.

This reminds me of a shepherd boy who would tease people by shouting 'wold- wolf' even when there was no wolf. Nobody believed him when a wolf actually appeared. Similarly, people will gradually lose interest or faith in what Kejriwal says even when he is correct. In shot, he will lose his credibility.

Yes I agree. That story perfectly relates to this situation. Hope Kejriwal learns some lessons from it and mends his follies.

Is Kejriwal that naive? Is it necessary for him to through Panchatantra fables and tales? May god save AAP.
When big people are criticised you will get headings and exactly he is doing and some news channels seems to be excited about these so called news and highlighting these day after day.

When big people are criticised you will get headings and exactly he is doing and some news channels seems to be excited about these so called news and highlighting these day after day.

Yes. That's what news channels are meant for
Kejriwal has filed a case againt Mukesh Ambani, Union ministers and some others about 'corruption' in the matter of gas pricing. Veerappa Moily has explained at length the issue stating that dispute is in arbitration and government has to go by contract. But it is not understandable how pricing issue can be considered as corruption. Rather this is a technical issue involving financial analysis.

Kejriwal has brought our attention to an important issue. But to blame everything on corruption is not right. He has no solid proof of his accusations.

This is actually not a corruption issue. This is matter of pricing of gas supplied from ocean source. Here, apart from direct cost of extracting gas, the cost of exploration, research and capital employed are relevant. The company is being paid at international rate. If govt compels Reliance to sell the gas at price lower than intrenational as suggested by Kejriwal, very likley the company will stop exploring oil in India and go to other countries where they get higher price. In global economy, you cannot pay less than international rate. The minister Moily correctly observed that Kejriwal does not understand the diference between drawing water from a well and gas from ocean source.
It is 17 year contract and absoultely Kejriwal as always knows everything and hides something while speaking in public, he is not an illiterate, and now the quesiton is why Reliance is withdrawing less gas than contractual limits.

This is a technical issue and only experts can give appropriate explanation.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Media meant for neutrality, and such class of yellow journalism and many a times paid journalism is hurting common people.

Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
Media meant for neutrality, and such class of yellow journalism and many a times paid journalism is hurting common people.

" Vox Populi" is the duty of a responsible media. People's voice should not be kept aside
Slowly, people will ignore all these and go ahead and read neutral news.

Slowly, people will ignore all these and go ahead and read neutral news.

Neutral news?. that's a mirage. You can't find. All news media are partisan affiliated to one political party or other.
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