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Slowly, people will ignore all these and go ahead and read neutral news.

Yes news is supposed to provide only facts of the situation without any judgement. But now every news channel shows a biased version of any story. Many people are convicted by the media before they are proven guilty by a court of law.
Slowly, people will ignore all these and go ahead and read neutral news.

Yes news is supposed to provide only facts of the situation without any judgement. But now every news channel shows a biased version of any story. Many people are convicted by the media before they are proven guilty by a court of law.

Let's see the things in real perspective. Most of the news channels and print media are under the patronage of influential and politicians. In this scenario it's hard to get impartial and neutral news.
Slowly, people will ignore all these and go ahead and read neutral news.

Yes news is supposed to provide only facts of the situation without any judgement. But now every news channel shows a biased version of any story. Many people are convicted by the media before they are proven guilty by a court of law.

Let's see the things in real perspective. Most of the news channels and print media are under the patronage of influential and politicians. In this scenario it's hard to get impartial and neutral news.

There are many sources to get the correct inputs and make analysis. You may search on internet and also go thorugh documents of company (Reliance in this case) available with Registrar of companies on payment of prescribed fee. But usually, nobody will take so much effort and spend money for such purpose.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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