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As of now we are having proper rainfall and it is only going to get heavier in days to come...

{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 10680]}

Beautiful photo! It rained here too quite heavily, and many other parts of the state. Although we are yet to see the colours turn so beautiful green! :)

We have been having rains since a week and generally Mangalore is lush and green all through the year, only gets ever more so during the rainy season :)

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Though many parts in my state are experiencing good to heavy rainfall, the place where I live just had only drizzles. It seems monsoon is playing hide and seek.
That's a good news. We are still waiting for this cool experience.

Be positive
The most awaited event of the year has come...Monsoon has set in two days early in Kerala and southernmost part of Tamilnadu ... We in Mangalore should have monsoon rains in 2 days time !

You will enjoy of first rain and its scent. You know when few drops of rain fall on hot sand the scent which come out from it is best one. We have to wait for one month for rain.
After a few initial drizzles 4 days ago, monsoon is still evading my place, though the other parts of the state are experiencing good rainfall. Power cuts are added bonus.
The most awaited event of the year has come...Monsoon has set in two days early in Kerala and southernmost part of Tamilnadu ... We in Mangalore should have monsoon rains in 2 days time !

You will enjoy of first rain and its scent. You know when few drops of rain fall on hot sand the scent which come out from it is best one. We have to wait for one month for rain.

Yes that is true, when the earth surface gets heated and baked all through the summer, this is bound to happen.In fact you see steam coming out of the earths surface when it rains for the first time...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Our prayers are answered. At last we had a good rainfall. But low lying areas were flooded.
Our prayers are answered. At last we had a good rainfall. But low lying areas were flooded.

TThats good to hear ! It must be a relief after all that sizzling heat your state experienced the past month or so...Hopefully the temperature would come down considerably now !

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Our prayers are answered. At last we had a good rainfall. But low lying areas were flooded.

TThats good to hear ! It must be a relief after all that sizzling heat your state experienced the past month or so...Hopefully the temperature would come down considerably now !

A drastic reduction in temperature. Cool breezes are flowing. Right now rain stopped, But coolness in the atmosphere is there.
Incessant rain lashes different parts of Tamilnadu ,and brings back those golden smiles in the face of farmers.
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