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12 years ago
High temprature is sign of good monsoons. Subr Ka Phl Meeta Hota Hai.
Expecting such a one.
According to the weathermen monsoons are starting early this year since they have already entered Andamans and will spread to Kerala by the end of the month and then spread all over the country within a week or two...what a relief that is going to be after this scorching summer !
Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!
12 years ago
Even Delhi id burning hot with the temperature around 45 degrees. The met department says we will have some respite from Sunday. Hoping they are right in their forecasting. :dry:
I don't know what's happening here. It's 11.45 and cold breeze is blowing around as I sit on the terrace posting this message. Looks like it rained somewhere and it's indeed feeling very cold.
12 years ago
Even Delhi id burning hot with the temperature around 45 degrees. The met department says we will have some respite from Sunday. Hoping they are right in their forecasting. :dry:
I don't know what's happening here. It's 11.45 and cold breeze is blowing around as I sit on the terrace posting this message. Looks like it rained somewhere and it's indeed feeling very cold.
In local language these cold breeze called Purva. It means you will enjoy rain in coming days. Happy rain.
12 years ago
According to the weathermen monsoons are starting early this year since they have already entered Andamans and will spread to Kerala by the end of the month and then spread all over the country within a week or two...what a relief that is going to be after this scorching summer !
True!! It would be a great relief if that comes true.
12 years ago
Even Delhi id burning hot with the temperature around 45 degrees. The met department says we will have some respite from Sunday. Hoping they are right in their forecasting. :dry:
I don't know what's happening here. It's 11.45 and cold breeze is blowing around as I sit on the terrace posting this message. Looks like it rained somewhere and it's indeed feeling very cold.
In local language these cold breeze called Purva. It means you will enjoy rain in coming days. Happy rain.
Is it said because the winds or rain comes from the East?? - Purva means East, I guess.
12 years ago
According to the weathermen monsoons are starting early this year since they have already entered Andamans and will spread to Kerala by the end of the month and then spread all over the country within a week or two...what a relief that is going to be after this scorching summer !
True!! It would be a great relief if that comes true.
Now the latest news is that monsoon is going to be delayed by a few days since the wind movement has slowed down over Andamans...So it will be as usual, a waiting game for the monsoon to begin during the first week of June,,,either way not too far off !
Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!
12 years ago
Even Delhi id burning hot with the temperature around 45 degrees. The met department says we will have some respite from Sunday. Hoping they are right in their forecasting. :dry:
I don't know what's happening here. It's 11.45 and cold breeze is blowing around as I sit on the terrace posting this message. Looks like it rained somewhere and it's indeed feeling very cold.
In local language these cold breeze called Purva. It means you will enjoy rain in coming days. Happy rain.
Is it said because the winds or rain comes from the East?? - Purva means East, I guess.
Purva is common word in north. Some songs also have on Purva. Purva suhani Aai Re (Purb or Pachim) Mere Desh Mai Pawan Chaley Purvai ( Banfool)
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