There was a very big resentment against rape and murder in a Delhi bus. But still such beastly acts are reported from different parts of country. Even railway compartments are not safe. It is so disgusting. Needless to say that every woman cannot be given a bodyguard. But what can a woman do if even govt owned Railways are not safe. I also do not understand what the co passengers do. Can they not even pull the alarm chain?

Also, I do not understand why the woman should jump from the train. Is saving her chastity more important than risking her life and body by jumping from moving fast train?

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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This is serious. :evil: Actually Police come after us we should be sensible enough to fight with these beasts if we see someone getting harrassed by them. :blink: I think that is the only way we can control such accidents otherwise these are not going to stop and its of no use to protest against the government and safety systems after the incident has occured. :blink:
Sounds like there is no business left in our country but rape murders and looting. This will soon take stature of a full time industry what used to be cottage industry if nothing concrete done immediately to bring situation under control. What are our law makers/keeprs doing or waiting for?

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Sounds like there is no business left in our country but rape murders and looting. This will soon take stature of a full time industry what used to be cottage industry if nothing concrete done immediately to bring situation under control. What are our law makers/keepers doing or waiting for?

I feel that law makers, law enforcers and public are all helpless. The rogue elements are stronger and organized. The whole society is sick minded. Woman is being considered only as a commodity and not individual. Mass and group rape and murder of women is considered no more serious than robbing or destroying property.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

There was a very big resentment against rape and murder in a Delhi bus. But still such beastly acts are reported from different parts of country. Even railway compartments are not safe. It is so disgusting. Needless to say that every woman cannot be given a bodyguard. But what can a woman do if even govt owned Railways are not safe. I also do not understand what the co passengers do. Can they not even pull the alarm chain?

Also, I do not understand why the woman should jump from the train. Is saving her chastity more important than risking her life and body by jumping from moving fast train?

This is the kind of conditioning a woman goes through in our society, that her chastity is everybody's business and she has to take care of it more than her life and that's precisely why some misguided men get a precarious pleasure in raping the women and making them "impure"...once the mind set changes things are bound to improve and women also need to think hard since they are responsible for such a mind set more than men..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

There was a very big resentment against rape and murder in a Delhi bus. But still such beastly acts are reported from different parts of country. Even railway compartments are not safe. It is so disgusting. Needless to say that every woman cannot be given a bodyguard. But what can a woman do if even govt owned Railways are not safe. I also do not understand what the co passengers do. Can they not even pull the alarm chain?

Also, I do not understand why the woman should jump from the train. Is saving her chastity more important than risking her life and body by jumping from moving fast train?

This is the kind of conditioning a woman goes through in our society, that her chastity is everybody's business and she has to take care of it more than her life and that's precisely why some misguided men get a precarious pleasure in raping the women and making them "impure"...once the mind set changes things are bound to improve and women also need to think hard since they are responsible for such a mind set more than men..

This mentality is hardly ingrained in the minds of women and this starts quite early, even little girls are taught that chastity is all that matters from them and it is not just their personal honour but of the entire family and many times is the honour of the netire community. So in many such instances the women choose to embrace death rather than lose their chastity and thus the honour of their family! And past stories of Rani Padmini and thousands of other Rajput women committing Johar is looked upon as heroic acts and thus chastity is even more glorified!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Thank you said by: usha manohar
The only solution for the time being is that every woman should carry knife or gun in her handbag. Killing rapist is not a crime in the eyes of God. Defensive technique is compulsory for every lady to protect herself. Family members must become possessive regarding ladies of their family.
There was a very big resentment against rape and murder in a Delhi bus. But still such beastly acts are reported from different parts of country. Even railway compartments are not safe. It is so disgusting. Needless to say that every woman cannot be given a bodyguard. But what can a woman do if even govt owned Railways are not safe. I also do not understand what the co passengers do. Can they not even pull the alarm chain?

Also, I do not understand why the woman should jump from the train. Is saving her chastity more important than risking her life and body by jumping from moving fast train?

This is the kind of conditioning a woman goes through in our society, that her chastity is everybody's business and she has to take care of it more than her life and that's precisely why some misguided men get a precarious pleasure in raping the women and making them "impure"...once the mind set changes things are bound to improve and women also need to think hard since they are responsible for such a mind set more than men..

This mentality is hardly ingrained in the minds of women and this starts quite early, even little girls are taught that chastity is all that matters from them and it is not just their personal honour but of the entire family and many times is the honour of the netire community. So in many such instances the women choose to embrace death rather than lose their chastity and thus the honour of their family! And past stories of Rani Padmini and thousands of other Rajput women committing Johar is looked upon as heroic acts and thus chastity is even more glorified!

Fighting double standards on chastity - one for men and another for women- is unfinished task of Raja Ram Mohan Roy. Let us work to finish this task.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Thank you said by: Kalyani Nandurkar
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