Asaram Bapu holds victim responsible for Delhi gang rape

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This is sad being such a personality he should avoid making such comments. How can victim be responsible for it?. :evil:
Even I have heard it in news. I can't understand how can a person give such defensive statement for criminals.

Asaram Bapu holds victim responsible for Delhi gang rape

Most irresponsible and meaningless statement from a spiritual Guru
:( I also read it all these stupid thing. Surprising how a person like Asharam Bapu said all these.
Asaram Bapu holds victim responsible for Delhi gang rape
This is the most irresponsible comment of Asaram Bapu. Because of such persons crime levels are increasing.
touching_2013-01-07.jpg (You do not have access to download this file.)
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difference between man and coward
Thank you said by: Devyani Sarkar, Sanjeev Gupta
I think he don't have anything in his head and heart.
Girls who are raped are innocent . The tendency of men are becoming worst days after days.
Asaram Bapu needs some special treatment from mob of women in the public for commenting such absurd words for a dead girl.
Everybody wants popularity by saying anything, This guru is one of them. What a stupid comment.
Asaram Bapu holds victim responsible for Delhi gang rape

what does it mean? :blink:
even brothers and fathers are not leaving girls nowadays. he is saying, she should have begged for her honour and life :angry: :angry: . how could those listeners keep quiet to his speech? :evil: :evil: :evil:
It clearly indicates that women should live in the mercy of men. Let those men beg for their lives now. :angry:

Meera sandhu
Asaram Bapu holds victim responsible for Delhi gang rape

what does it mean? :blink:
even brothers and fathers are not leaving girls nowadays. he is saying, she should have begged for her honour and life :angry: :angry: . how could those listeners keep quiet to his speech? :evil: :evil: :evil:
It clearly indicates that women should live in the mercy of men. Let those men beg for their lives now. :angry:

Does he even know what he said? The case has become an open debate with people saying anything without even giving it a thought!

Live in the present :)
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