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This type of student can spoil other students of the school.I don't how the parents brought them up.

Mostly we think that if the boy is like this, how would be his parents. But, i bet his parents would be very humble, polite and good people.

Its the group in which you reside spoil us.

Even if his parents are good enough, they are too good to the spoiled child. They failed to groom him well.

Yes, you are right.
But, most of boys are spoiled from outside and in the house they show that they are very good and nice person. Sometimes, parents are unable to see the real face of their child, when they are grown up boys.

Want to make each day Accountable

A boy was caught drinking liquor in Class, by the headmaster of a school in Chennai.

This happens regularly at government schools but dont get highlighted or reported thats all! There is much more going on within the campus of a junior college, even selling weeds and drugs leave alone country liquor, it is all the more reason to have trained counsellors in every school so that they can deal with it in the manner it ought to be - beating and caning is simply not a solution at all ...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

This is first time I am hearing such news and surprised to see that children are really going to any extreme. In general they imitate at lot so some one close to him or someone in family must have this habit.
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