A Hindi teacher has been booked for allegedly caning a six year old for corporal punishment.
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why we hear that teachers in the school are becoming cruel? This is really bad. Why can't a teacher understand this?

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This is definitely improper to inflict any punishment on students especially very young ones against rules.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

This is definitely improper to inflict any punishment on students especially very young ones against rules.

Seeing a photograph of wailing mother showing the scars of caning on the child's back is heart wrenching.
why we hear that teachers in the school are becoming cruel? This is really bad. Why can't a teacher understand this?

They are not teachers, they are Terminators.
why we hear that teachers in the school are becoming cruel? This is really bad. Why can't a teacher understand this?

They are not teachers, they are Terminators.

We had been taught in the school that Teacher are our second parents. So, we don't expect from them to give us severe punishment.

Want to make each day Accountable

A Hindi teacher has been booked for allegedly caning a six year old for corporal punishment.

This is against the law but in many schools it is still being practiced with the teachers,head of the school and sometimes even the parents encouraging teachers to cane their children and discipline them !!! :blink:

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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