Indian Share market has gone up today . At the end of Market Closing Sensex have gone up to 19,170.91 points which is 328.83 Points more then Yesterday Point. In short there is a increase of 1.75% in todays Share Business.
Not only this even Nifty Market has gone up by 1.70% . Today Nifty have been closed at 5825.00 Points which is 97.50 points more compared to yesterday
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This is the very great news for share market investors. ;)
Its keep getting increasing and decreasing. But still it is very risky to as a business. Better be careful.

One bit of positive news regarding FDI and the sensex jumps, and tomorrow if the vote in Rajya sabha goes the other way, it dives.. But since a long time sensex has been suck st the 18000-19000 levels after it reached 20000 once and came down.There is talk that by year end the sensex will get through 20,000 mark...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

This is very great news for investors. After a long time sensex and nifty crossed good level.

Be positive
Indian Share market has gone up today . At the end of Market Closing Sensex have gone up to 19,170.91 points which is 328.83 Points more then Yesterday Point. In short there is a increase of 1.75% in todays Share Business.
Not only this even Nifty Market has gone up by 1.70% . Today Nifty have been closed at 5825.00 Points which is 97.50 points more compared to yesterday

It is actually a help news for me since I have been doing trading for the past couple of years. but we are not sure what will happen today and thereafter.

Born to express, not to impress.
Robert even today sensex has gone up by 193 points. And as per survey it will move up in December too
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