It is a matter of grave concern that every session of parliament faces disturbance. This time also there is disturbance owing to C.& A G report on allotment of coal blogs. Parliament is for discussion on issues and legislation. Many pieces of legislation are held up.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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They are not interested in sorting out the matters but keep fighting with each other on different issues. Now comes iron Ghotala after coal.

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They are not interested in sorting out the matters but keep fighting with each other on different issues. Now comes iron Ghotala after coal.

The C & AG report also needs be debated and government asked to state reasons why competitive bidding was not resorted in allotting coal blocks and reasons for the same not recorded in writing and not replied satisfactorily to C & A G. Instead of doing the proper debate and taking appropriate action, the parties are creating disturbance.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

That is almost part of the system, this is in fashion of Indian politics to stall the process of houses and ask for adjournments openly. Even ministers are asking for the same openly now.

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Frequent disturbances are being resorted to by the principal opposition parties, who wants no discussion and parliamentary work but simply wants to blackmail as Sonia Gandhi told.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Frequent disturbances are being resorted to by the principal opposition parties, who wants no discussion and parliamentary work but simply wants to blackmail as Sonia Gandhi told.

That is a regular feature the same scene was there when BOFORS scam was raised in parliament. They all are as good as others.

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BJP don't want to discuss anything and they are sure that whatever they said is correct. Congress wants to discuss everything in House.

Both parties are fighting inside and outside by giving different comments.

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Daily parliament work stops due to the issues of CAG report.This problem will be solved or Parliament had to suffer everyday.The political leader made Parliament a matter of joke.

Sharmistha Banerjee
Parliament should be continued as this is the house from where the country runs .
In parliament sessions, they make simple things critical enough to create chaos. The C & A G report is critical problem. This will take time with lots of hesitation and confusion.
Parliament had to adjourned for the disturbances created by the parties.No one is there to listen each other problems.

Sharmistha Banerjee
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