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I agree MC. CPM also displayed the the same role as congress. Amitabh Bachan had correctly stated that he is an artist and he does not become a BJP man when in Gujarat, not a congressman when in Delhi and not a communist when in Bengal.
You have to talk to and deal with those who run the government irrespective of the party rule.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Apparently, there is war for Dalit vote bank between Congress and BJP. This is being manifested in matters like garlanding of Ambedkar statue by Rahul Gandhi and similar events.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Yes.Now every drama and controversy is based on vote bank.In Amitabh bachan case also there is minority vote bank benefit.Every political party plays this card.
Vote bank politics has divided us more than ever before.Even Britishers with all their sinister divide-and-rule game could not divide us to this extent!!
The good or bad is not a problem.If it is introduced by opposite party it will be opposed.That is politics.

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Abid- raised very fine point. opposition for sake of opposition is order of the day. There is no issue based support or opposition today. Actually, everything is for self benefit and vote grabbing.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Although such partisan conduct is very common these days I was plesantly surprised by the BJP leader Yaswant Sinha's statement on the floor of Parliament lending support to the government's operations against Maoist menace and calling it as the fight of the country.
Thanks Gulshan,
I remember Obama's sworn in ceremoney.There his opponent was doing all the needed.Can we expect that in India?

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